The end of the year came around super fast again! Some important dates for you to know around your custom binding;


4pm Monday 7th December: any pre-Christmas orders need to be confirmed. Please get in touch earlier to sort details so that you have time to make any alterations BEFORE this date.

Wednesday 23rd December to Monday 11th January 2021: The Binding Studio is closed for Christmas and New Years break

Tuesday 12th January 2021: The Binding Studio open as usual

January 2021: Most of my suppliers take an extended break until the end of January. This means I will only be taking on limited orders for the month. If you have a project in mind for the new year, get in touch asap- so that we can plan around processes required.

February & March 2021: The Binding Studio will not be taking commissions during this time.

April to August 2021: The Binding Studio will be taking commissions on a case by case basis and you will be able to order products via the website or from the Felt Store

Workshops for 2021: will be up and running in the second half of the year. Check in here and sign up for updates
